Even though breakfast was stressed as being the most important meal of the day, I grew up bypassing it day after day and year after year. I believe it was mainly because I did not understand the full benefits of breakfast. Not to mention I did not like my family’s staple of eggs and sugary cereals nor the way these foods made me feel when I ate them. But truth to be known I thought I could function just as well without it. Can you say delusional? Now that I have found myself in my late forty’s and not getting any younger, I have come to understand the importance of this power meal as I start taking precautionary measures in order to prevent the onset of health issues as I age. While I try to change a lifelong habit I have found it to be not easy, somewhat difficult and rather frustrating at times while I work towards figuring out what foods will be the most beneficial for me. However, on the bright side, my body has become accustom to eating first thing in the morning. I no longe...
Well hurry up, sister! Give me the explanation already! Love you bunches!