A Healthier Me in More Ways than One

Even though breakfast was stressed as being the most important meal of the day, I grew up bypassing it day after day and year after year. I believe it was mainly because I did not understand the full benefits of breakfast. Not to mention I did not like my family’s staple of eggs and sugary cereals nor the way these foods made me feel when I ate them. But truth to be known I thought I could function just as well without it. Can you say delusional?

Now that I have found myself in my late forty’s and not getting any younger, I have come to understand the importance of this power meal as I start taking precautionary measures in order to prevent the onset of health issues as I age. While I try to change a lifelong habit I have found it to be not easy, somewhat difficult and rather frustrating at times while I work towards figuring out what foods will be the most beneficial for me. However, on the bright side, my body has become accustom to eating first thing in the morning. I no longer get the mid morning lull and my concentration is better. I’ve notice I’m eating lighter lunches due to not being as hungry. Not to mention I am making better dinner choices as well. I have also found that I want to be more constant with my exercise program. I’m finding an overall healthier me as I start to enjoy the full benefits of my new lifestyle.

As I work through this conversion, I can’t help but to think upon another life changer that took place over 20 years ago. Again, it was one of those areas where I thought I knew what was best. It happened in my late twenties. I was filled with questions, doubts and uncertainties, yet it did not come full circle until the age of 30. At 28 when darkness circled my life, I started to sense God’s desire to lift that gloom from me. Even still, it took another two years before I felt the need to trust Him. But once I took that plunge, I started to grow in faith. This growth wasn’t apart from any disappointment. I was still restless and unsatisfied. I asked why this was. Was there not more to faith then what I was experiencing? But as I continued to seek growth and change I started sensing God telling me that I had become resistant. What! Not teachable? Can you say Ouch! What was He revealing and what did He want me to learn from this? Come to find out, He knew my mind was closed off to His full instruction because of my unwillingness to let go of some of my deeply rooted philosophies. This was keeping me from seeing His true nature as well as receiving His full completeness. It was time for me to move from unteachable to teachable and allow His Word to speak to me as He wills.

As I started digging into the passages I quickly saw another step on the horizon. It was time for me to converse with like minded people in a weekly bible study. Although this was a time of great growth I still found myself experiencing bouts of stress and sadness. These feelings were not because I was learning (truth) but because my need to manipulate parts of the truth in order to accommodate my wants, needs, and desires as I held on to unconfessed sin. It was time to stop justifying and move to submission, repentance, and obedience if I wanted to live a life of freedom.

While changing my mindset from justifying to submission I found myself slowing turning from sin and coming under His authority as I desired to do His will.  Am I there?  No, because my growth is ongoing and as long as I am alive He will be refining me.  

As I have found Breakfast is food for my brain, God’s Word is food for my soul. I hope this entry will inspire you to seek better health as well as a deeper and personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

I leave you with: Psalms 62: 5-8 My soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be shaken. On God my salvation and my glory rest; The rock of my strength, my refuge is in God. Trust in Him at all times, O people; Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us.

Ephesians 4:14-15 “We are not meant to remain as children but to grow up in every way into Christ.”


  1. Great post, sister! It's such a joy and honor to be on this journey with you! Keep writing and keep sharing! Love you much!

  2. Love to see you gettin out of your comfort zone to show the world your vast wisdom and being a true leader of Christ word!

  3. Love that others know they can come to you for wisdom, whether it be in the biblical sense or else. Very proud of you! Hubby


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