Same Life, New Story

Encouraging and Inspiring

As Christian women, we have the means to draw strength from our Heavenly Father and the ability to allow Him the opportunity to rewrite our story. Sometimes we need a little help by learning how to get past life circumstances. Therefore with Jan Silvious book “Same Life, New Story” will help you achieve that.

This is a 10 week bible study for women. Although it is designed to be a group study I found it not necessary for groups only and can be beneficial for anyone who may be ready to move forward regardless of lives difficulties.

Jan starts off by introducing us to this book with a question “Do you like the life you are living?” This question will lead you into other matters of reflection as she introduces you to Naomi, Leah, Rahab, Deborah, Hannah, Anna, Jehosheba, Abigail, Naaman’s servant girl, and Elizabeth as these ten amazing women of the Bible decided not to be consumed by their “past” or “what ifs” and write a new story for themselves. Each of these ten women were faced with their own set of fears and pains but refused to settle for a substandard life and chose to trust God where they received great blessings and a new end to their story, a legacy worth leaving.

Each chapter is dedicated to one of these women and at the end of the chapter you will find Jan has a set of questions titled personal reflection, journal entry, and group discussion. The questions are intended to help bring attention to areas of wrong thinking, misunderstandings, etc that may be keeping one from moving forward. As you read each chapter you will see the fear of these women is not much different than those fears of us women today. You will also come to understand the importance of purging out things that are keeping you from writing a new story while taking the necessary steps towards healing. You will come to understand once you change your mind-set you can begin to rewrite a new story.


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